Temporary Event Notice (TEN)
A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) is given by an individual (a premises user) and authorises the premises user to conduct one or more licensable activities at a premises for no more than 168 hours (7 days).
TENs can be used to authorise relatively small-scale ad hoc events held in or on any premises involving no more then 499 people at any one time, subject to certain restrictions.
How to apply
A Temporary Event Notice must be given to the Licensing Authority using the statutory application form, preferably using the online facility. If you wish to apply by post, please contact the Licensing Department for a paper copy of the application form.
There are two types of Temporary Event Notices: standard and late. A standard Temporary Event Notice can be given no later than 10 working days before the event. A late Temporary Event Notice can be given no later than 5 working days before the event, excluding the day the notice is received and the first day of the event.
Section 193 of the Act defines "working day" as any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a day which is a bank holiday under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971 in England and Wales.
The number of notices that can be given by a personal licence holder is limited to 50 standard Temporary Event Notices or 10 late Temporary Event Notices. For any other person, it is limited to 5 standard Temporary Event Notices or 2 late Temporary Event Notices. Any notices received after that period will not be valid and any licensable activities carried on would be unlawful.
No more than 15 Temporary Event Notices may be held at any one premises in a calendar year. For events occuring wholly or partly in 2022 or 2023, no more than 20 Temporary Event Notices may be held at any one premises in a calendar year due to changes made by The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021.
Temporary Event Notices may be used to license activities for a maximum of 21 days for calendar year. For events occuring wholly or partly in 2022 or 2023, Temporary Event Notices may be used to license activities for a maximum of 26 days per calendar year due to changes made by The Alcohol Licensing (Coronavirus) (Regulatory Easements) (Amendment) Regulations 2021.
If the notice is submitted by post, it must be sent to the following address, accompanied by a fee of £21. All cheques must be made payable to Winchester City Council, or online payment can be made here under 'Miscellaneous Payments'.
Licensing Department
Winchester City Council
City Offices
Colebrook Street
SO23 9LJOne copy must be sent to the Environmental Health Department at:
Environmental Protection
Winchester City Council
City Offices
Colebrook Street
SO23 9LJOne copy must be sent to the Police at:
Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Officer
Bishops Waltham Police Station
Hoe Road
Bishops Waltham
SO32 1DSPlease note, applications made online do not require a copy of the application to be sent to the Police and Environmental Health. This will be forwarded by the Licensing department once it is received.
Temporary Event Notices during COVID-19
The Licensing Authority is mindful that the recent relaxation of restrictions may result in an increase in TENs being submitted to the Licensing Authority for events in the open air. However, notwithstanding the possibility of small scale events taking place, there is still an ongoing requirement to prevent the occurrence of illegal gatherings which could contribute to an increase in the spread of the virus and potentially result in a local lockdown.
If you are submitting a Temporary Event Notice during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we strongly advise individuals to confirm that their proposed activity is permitted to go ahead under the current Government restrictions. Please refer to Government legislation and guidance on this matter prior to submission of a Temporary Event Notice.
Refunds will not be issued to those who submit a Temporary Event Notice for an activity that cannot go ahead under the current Government restrictions.
If you have any queries about whether your event can go ahead in the current climate, please email licensing@winchester.gov.uk
It is important that your event is able to keep the workers and audiences / attendees safe. As such, you are required to carry out a suitable and sufficient risk assessment which includes ensuring control measures are in place regarding the transmission of COVID-19. This is a legal requirement. If granted, your temporary event notice will be given so on the presumption you have carried out such an assessment and are implementing control measures.
A failure to have a suitable and sufficient COVID-secure risk assessment in place, may result in the event being prohibited under law; this is your responsibility to ensure.
Activities permitted under a Temporary Event Notice
Temporary event notices (TENs) can be given to permit any or all of the following:
- The sale of alcohol
- The supply of alcohol to members of a registered club
- Provision of late night refreshment - hot food or hot drink at any time after 23:00 or before 05:00.
- Entertainment which is defined as:
- a performance of a play
- an exhibition of a film
- an indoor sporting event
- a boxing or wrestling entertainment
- a performance of live music
- any playing of recorded music
- a performance of dance
- entertainment of a similar description to that falling within paragraphs (5), (6) or (7), where the entertainment takes place in the presence of an audience and is provided for the purpose, or for purposes which include the purpose, of entertaining that audience
The Alcohol Licensing and the Entertainment Licensing sections of the GOV.UK website provides further information on whether a licence is required.
Both the Police and the Environmental Health Department may submit objections to your Temporary Event Notice. If an objection is received in respect of a standard TEN, then the matter will be referred to a Licensing Sub-Committee hearing for determination. If an objection is received in respect of a late TEN, the licensing authority must issue a counter notice which would prevent the event from going ahead.