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Land and Building Assets

The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires all local authorities to publish details of all land and building assets on an annual basis.

Local land and buildings data is published under the Open Government Licence. However, third party intellectual Property Rights (IPR) may not permit the opening up of the data for free use.

The address information (and in particular the unique property reference (UPRN) and the GeoX and GeoY cordinates) fall within the third party IPR as the data is owned by the Ordnance Survey and GeoPlace LLP. The postcode data is owned by RoyalMail.

Land asset information is published under the Open Government Licence v3 in order to meet the requirements of the Transparency Code.

Further guidance about derived data and the Public Sector Mapping Agreement is available.

The Code does not require authorites to publish information for social housing and is therefore not included in the register of land and buildings.


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