Since August 2014, a Market Towns Development Officer has been working with New Alresford Town Council and a number of local organisations to create new events and activities, to bring people into Alresford Town Centre and to increase community cohesion. The group has been named Altogether Alresford.
Altogether Alresford activities
• The creation of a Christmas events flyer, detailing the events of local organisations over the festive season. 2000 of these were printed and distributed all around the town.
• A treasure hunt style “Ghost Hunt”, which involved children going on a trail around the town and finding ghosts, which were pictures drawn by local school children.
• The “Face Finding Mission”. Another treasure hunt style activity for both children and adults, with prizes ranging from chocolates and a massage to lunch bags and DVDs.
• An Easter Egg Hunt around the town centre during the Easter holidays
The positive feedback from these events, both from the participants and from the businesses involved, has been overwhelming. Of those businesses taking part in the Ghost Hunt for example, 80% reported seeing an increase in footfall during the period of the activity.
Marketing & promotion achievements
• Distribution of 5000 Alresford Pocket guides to hotels and tourist attractions around the county.
• The creation of a Facebook page to promote events and local shops and businesses. (
• A monthly newsletter informing subscribers of local events and promotions in local businesses as well introducing them to local organisations and interesting facts about Alresford. Sign up here: