Currently being built
All of the affordable housing developments detailed on this page have planing permission and are currently under construction. Related documents can be viewed in the ‘Documents’ section on the right hand side of the page.
Winchester City Council's New Homes Programme
Winnall Flats, Winnall
A new housing scheme for Winchester City Council at Winnall Flats is underway, with completion planned for 2023. The new flats, which will be accredited to Passivhaus low energy building standard will provide a total of 73 new flats in two new blocks and three new houses, and will make an important contribution to making the activities of the Council carbon neutral by 2024 and for the District as a whole to be carbon neutral by 2030.
Winnall Flats - The Avenue A major feature of the scheme is the upgrading of the public open space around the existing four blocks on the site (Braxton, Craddock, Dennett and Earle Houses), by changing the previous car-dominated areas to a more people focussed environment – making it more pleasant to walk around the site and also making space for a new pocket park to encourage positive resident interactions.
As part of the scheme, there will be 35 shared ownership homes,which have been designed by T2 Architects and Ubu Landscape architects.
Winnall Flats - Block A The new homes are being constructed by Wates Construction, who interestingly built the original flats on the site in the 1960s.
More information shared ownership and available properties can be found on The Orchids Website. If you are interested in one of the homes for shared ownership from Winchester City Council, please email or phone 01962 848 075.
Registered Provider Schemes in Development
Here are a list of schemes being developed by Registered Providers in the Winchester district. These are schemes that are due or estimated to be complete within the next 12 months.
Provider Scheme/Location Property Type Tenure Due Sovereign Former Police HQ (Knights Quarter) Mix of 1 & 2 bedroom flats Shared Ownership Summer 2023 Vivid Whiteley Meadows Mix of 2 & 3 bedroom houses Shared Ownership Summer 2023 St Johns Colebrook Street, Winchester 1 bedroom flats Rented Almshouses End 2023 Kings Barton 2 bedroom flats Shared Ownership Summer 2023 Grainger Trust Berewood Mix of 1 & 2 bedroom flats and a mix of 2, 3 & 4 bedroom houses. Rented and Shared Ownership Est. 2024/25 St Johns Moorside, Durngate, Winchester Mix of 1 & 2 bedroom flats Rented Almshouses Est. 2024/25 Hastoe Land To The South of Botley Road B3035, Curdridge Mix of 1 bedroom flats and 2 & 3 bedroom houses Rented and Shared Ownership Est. 2024/25 Sherecroft Meadows, Botley Mix of 1 bedroom flats and 2, 3 & 4 bedroom flats and houses Afforable Rent and Shared Ownership Est. 2024/25 & 2025/26 Not decided The Lakes, Swanmore Mix of 1 bedroom flats and 2 & 3 bedroom houses Afforable Rent and Shared Ownership Est. 2025/26 We will continue to update the table when we receive more information from the providers.
If you would like more information on the schemes, please contact the RP directly, by following the links.