Council releases Traveller Plan for Consultation
Winchester City Council Cabinet has published a draft plan which addresses the needs of Gypsies and Travellers. The plan opened for consultation on Monday 10 July and has been developed in accordance with Central Government guidance to Local Authorities.
The draft plan adopts a proactive approach, proposing that existing sites are retained, where appropriate those with a temporary planning permission are granted a permanent consent - and for the more complex sites bespoke policies are proposed to ensure that necessary requirements are met. Identifying sites across the Winchester District, the plan outlines the provision for the identified need of 15 Gypsy and Traveller pitches and 24 Travelling Showpersons’ plots.
This approach will give the Council stronger control over traveller development on sites which are not proposed to be allocated in the plan.
All documents including the online consultation form, can be viewed at and can also be inspected at the Council’s offices and in local libraries.
Cllr Caroline Brook, Portfolio Holder for the Built Environment said:
With the adoption of Local Plan Part 2 in April setting out the Gypsy and Traveller requirement to be met within the District, the Council has made significant progress in preparing a positive strategy that will provide certainty to both the travelling and settled communities.Our draft traveller plan takes a pragmatic approach to identifying sites and we pleased to be able to publish this for consultation over the following weeks. We would encourage all those with an interest to contribute and we will be contacting National Gypsy and Traveller organisations to promote publication of the draft plan
The consultation will close on 4 September, after which the Council will assess any responses received before amending the draft plan and submitting to the Planning Inspectorate for examination during 2018.