Council announces secure financial position with community benefits ahead
Additional investment will be undertaken by the City Council following prudent financial management over the past year. A Winchester wide transportation movement study will be funded along with progressing the Council’s digital ambitions and investing in crowd funding to seek new ways of supporting community programmes.
The positive financial outlook has allowed the progression of a number of key capital enhancements to the district. This includes the purchase of the Garrison Ground land at Bar End, providing much needed improvements via disabled facility grants to support people to remain at home, and the transformation of the Friarsgate car park to provide further car parking in the city centre.
Cllr Guy Ashton, Portfolio Holder for Finance commented,
The Council is continuing to demonstrate its strong stewardship over public funds. We’ve been able to deliver our core services during the year and more, and are now in a position to confirm that we can identify additional items we can fund that will directly benefit our residents.
The financial outturn report will be considered at the overview & scrutiny committee and then the Cabinet on the 5 July.