Lower rents for council tenants
Council tenants in Winchester will see their rents reduced by 1% from April next year.
Despite inflation being currently over 3%, Councillors have supported Government demands on social landlords to reduce rents, which will help keep Council housing affordable for thousands of residents in the Winchester district.
As part of the Welfare Act 2016, Government has determined that councils and housing association rents should reduce by 1% each year up to 2020. With private rents in Winchester being some of the highest in the south east of England, the reductions will mean council rents will be significantly lower, and in many cases as much as 50% below market rents.
Cllr Caroline Horrill, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing said:
We recognise how expensive housing can be in Winchester and we are committed to doing what we can to keep housing in Winchester affordable and reducing rents next year reflects part of that commitment.