STATEMENT - Bar End depot ice rink
As part of the development of a brand new Sport and Leisure Centre incorporating a 50 m pool, a state-of-the-art sports hall and a hydrotherapy centre, residents and organisations have been invited to make comment on the emerging Urban Design Framework for the site at Bar End. Extensive community engagement has taken place and 900 surveys have been completed which indicate that a sport and leisure development on this site is welcomed.
We understand that Aethos Developments are proposing a development on the Depot site which would be adjacent to the new Sport and Leisure Centre. We welcome approaches such as these and are looking to the evolving Urban Design Framework to scope the future of the whole area in line with the feedback from residents and stakeholders. The Council owned Depot site is not currently on the market and therefore no negotiations have taken place to date with Aethos Development to secure the site for their proposed facilities. Any future development would be subject to the land being marketed for sale or lease and the submission of a planning application.
The Council remains focussed on the development of the Sport and Leisure centre at Bar End for local people to enjoy which will also provide facilities for aspiring athletes to reach their potential. But we still have work to do in respect of traffic and ensuring the development sits well in this area of the South Downs National Park.