Winchester City Council gives tenants a chance to have their say
Winchester City Council is encouraging tenants to have their say to ensure services continue to improve.
It comes after 91% of tenants indicating they were satisfied with their housing service, but the council wants the number of residents providing feedback to increase and aims for an even higher number of satisfied tenants.
A recent Council meeting heard how a group of tenants have inspected sheltered housing schemes, met and interviewed staff and residents and made a number of recommendations on how the Council could improve the service.
Occupants are also being recruited for focus groups, as mystery shoppers and proof readers as well as being asked to give their views through surveys and social media.
The City Council has a long tradition for promoting Tenant Involvement. The TACT group (Tenants and Council Together) was established over 20 years ago and has played a key role in shaping housing services provided by the Council.
Cllr Caroline Horrill, Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing said:
I welcome the very positive feedback we get from our tenants. I’ve had the pleasure of working with TACT for many years and I’m really pleased that they want to see more tenants get involved and share their views. When resources are so stretched, it important that we focus on what is important for our customers and by working together I am confident we can improve services for all residents.