Community spirit celebrated at tea party
Community spirit was clear to see at a recent wartime tea party in Winchester.
The party at Hyde Parish Hall in Hyde Street, was organised by Tenants and Council Together (TACT) along with tenants from Hyde Gate sheltered housing accommodation and council officers from the Tenant Involvement Team.
More than 30 tenants enjoyed an afternoon tea which included sandwiches, cake and scones. Entertainment was provided by Amy Baker who sung vintage jazz numbers to the delighted gathering.
Student volunteers from Winchester Hub helped out on the day and some of the food was provided by community organisation FirstBite who used surplus food from supermarkets for the cakes and sandwiches.
There was also a raffle with prizes which were donated by Osborne’s who work in partnership with Winchester City Council.
Winchester City Council Tenant Involvement officer, Heather Wensley, explained:
We wanted to get tenants together to help reduce social isolation and find out a bit more about them. We had some wonderful, interesting tenants there and learnt lots of stories.
Monica Gill, Chair of TACT added:
It was absolutely brilliant we had the right amount of people and everyone enjoyed themselves. I would like to thank the students and Osbornes and the people from Tenant Involvement and councillor Horrill who took the time to join us.