Council ups transparency with new style reporting
Winchester City Council yesterday published the first in a series of new reports to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The quarterly reports set out the Council’s progress against budget, key performance and project measures and will be presented to a cross-party committee who look to monitor delivery.
The first report includes information on Major Projects such as the Central Winchester Regeneration Scheme, and also outlines the performance in services areas such as Council Tax collection and Planning Application processing.
The new measure reflects the Council’s commitment to providing greater transparency – affording residents and local organisations a better oversight of its key activities in a single document. The move also looks to demonstrate that the organisation is monitoring this information, building on the recommendations of the Corporate Peer Challenge that the Council requested earlier in the year.
Cllr Guy Ashton, Portfolio Holder for Finance commented,
“Our current financial position is strong; we are making positive progress on delivering our Council Strategy aspirations and our major projects are all moving forward to help deliver good outcomes for our residents and businesses. We know that we have many challenges ahead and this report helps to ensure that we can track how we are delivering against these in a consistent manner.”
Councillor Caroline Horrill, Leader of Winchester City Council, added
“By producing this report our intention is to make it easier for local people to see the progress we are making around our stated aspirations. All local authorities aim to be open and transparent; we want to demonstrate that we take seriously our accountability for taxpayers’ money. This new report sets out the facts – and the initial document already highlights some very positive progress that is being made by the Council. Things are changing at Winchester City Council and as the pace picks up and our teams deliver against our objectives, we need to let people know.”