Winchester City Council’s Local Plan 2036
Winchester City Council’s Local Plan 2036
The city council is inviting local people to have their say on the way that the District develops. Consultation on what should be included in Winchester City Council’s Local Plan 2036 is now underway and will run until midday Friday 21 September 2018.
The Local Plan is an important document which will help shape the future of the Winchester District. It enables the council to plan for and deliver the housing, employment space, facilities and infrastructure needed to ensure that the District grows and prospers whilst protecting the built and natural environments which makes Winchester’s towns, villages and countryside so attractive.
To produce a new plan which accommodates necessary development without comprising the quality of the environment, the council invites feedback from all who have an interest in the District’s future. Parish councils, local communities, businesses and other stakeholders are being approached for comment during a process that leads to the adoption of a new plan which will guide development for many years to come.
As part of this consultation programme, the council is currently seeking views on the scope and content of the Local Plan from residents, businesses and anyone with an interest in planning matters across the District.
An online consultation is available at with key questions to help shape the plan.
Cllr Caroline Brook, Portfolio Holder for the Built Environment, said:
“The Local Plan is a key document which ensures that the vision and aspirations of our District communities and the council are translated into future planning policy and there is a requirement to update this every 5 years. It is now time to begin reviewing our current local plan which will look forward to 2036.
This cabinet listens hard to what local people have to say and makes balanced decisions based on the feedback we hear. We will be engaging with our parish councils and local communities to ensure the plan is robust and meets the needs of our District. This is integral to shaping our communities and giving us a strong position in determining whether future planning applications should be granted approval.”
Further information and supporting evidence for the Local Plan can be viewed at