Plans for 600 new council homes by 2020 and £90m worth of investment for existing homes given green light
Ambitious plans by Winchester City Council to build 600 new council homes by 2020 and to also invest £90m in existing homes over the next ten years have been approved.
The Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and budget and business plan was approved at a Winchester City Council meeting on February 22.
In the next ten years, the Council has set aside more than £100m for new homes, including the £15m scheme for 76 Council homes at The Valley in Stanmore, more than £8m for the Chesil Extra Care Scheme which will be completed in Spring of this year, and £47m of funding for emerging sites and smaller sites.
The capital programme of £90 million for the next ten years also ensures that major works identified within the Council’s housing stock continue to be dealt with to ensure that homes remain above decent homes standard.
Portfolio Holder for Housing and Council Leader of Winchester City Council, Councillor Caroline Horrill said:
It is a constant task to keep our homes to standard, support our communities and build new homes and I am delighted to see the HRA budget and business plan approved, this ensures that we are a step closer to delivering our ambitious target of 600 new council homes built by 2020.