Winchester Future 50 – funding secured for two-year pilot project to manage Conservation Areas
It is more than 50 years since the creation of the first Conservation Areas in Britain. The Historic Environment team at Winchester City Council, working closely with Historic England, has been successful in securing an offer of funding from Historic England for a new pilot project ‘Winchester Future 50’; to aid the production of conservation area management plans.
The funds will support the two-year “Winchester Future 50” project in part of the Winchester Conservation Area, starting in early 2018. The project aims to work out and trial a new way to put together Conservation Area Management Plans. It focuses on the involvement of the local community to gather essential information required about the special buildings and local characteristics which can make up a conservation area.
Portfolio Holder for Built Environment, Cllr Caroline Brook said:
This is an exciting pilot project which will help us manage and potentially improve the historic environment in Winchester. I hope that the local community will help our work in ensuring that we have strong, locally relevant management plans. We know that many people are passionate about the special buildings, trees and spaces which can go to make up a conservation area and we hope to draw on that local knowledge and expertise as part of this project.
Winchester Town Forum supported the bid, and in the months ahead more information on how to get involved will be made available on