Come and be part of Winchester’s hack event!
You are invited to Hack Winchester! - an exciting, interactive event where you can help local business and young talent in Winchester by working together to explore ideas and share solutions.
The hack, on Saturday 8 September at The University of Winchester’s West Downs Centre, is for people with all sorts of skills and experience to get together to solve shared problems. It’s not just for experts in technology; everyone who is interested can join in.
Hack Winchester! organised by Winchester City Council and the University of Winchester, follows on from the city’s first Unconference on the theme of ‘How can Winchester be a premier business destination?’ It will use technology and data to help explore: supporting local businesses, attracting and retaining young people and creating co-working spaces.
Winchester City Council’s Deputy Leader, Cllr Robert Humby, said:
“The way that we interact is changing. Over the last decade, uptake of high speed broadband, smart phones, social media and open data has continued to increase. We welcome the opportunity to work with our partners at the University of Winchester to use digital technology to help Winchester be a premier business location.”
Dr Ben Sanders, Head of the Department of Digital Futures at the University of Winchester, added:
“As digital technologies permeate almost every facet of our lives, we need to embrace the opportunities and challenges of these new and emerging technologies using multidisciplinary approaches. We are delighted to work with Winchester City Council in using digital technologies to enhance businesses and enterprise in Winchester”
The University has expertise in digital technologies and offers Digital Futures degree programmes in areas such as cyber security, computer science, data science and mathematics.
Hack Winchester! takes place from 9am to 6pm and is free to attend. Refreshments will be provided throughout the day and are being organised by AHA Digital. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis - to book your space visit
Delegates who have signed up to Hack Winchester! are encouraged to talk about the event on social media using the hashtag #hackwinchester.
If you are interested in sponsorship opportunities please contact Mark Braggins from AHA Digital Ltd at or phone 07743 817215.