Polling station review underway
Winchester City Council is reviewing all of its polling districts, places and stations.
The review will look at any aspects of polling and will also closely look at disabled access.
All councils in England and Wales must undertake this review between October 2018 to January 2020 to ensure they are complying with Government election regulations.
The review starts on 22 October and will run until 16 November. To find details of the council’s current arrangements for polling districts and polling places visit the council website at www.winchester.gov.uk.
Alternatively, copies of maps are available in the reception of City Offices, Colebrook Street, Winchester on Monday to Friday between the hours of 8.30am and 4.30pm.
If anyone wishes to comment on polling stations and districts they can make representations by emailing ereg@winchester.gov.uk
Once the review has been concluded the final proposals will be considered by the Licensing and Regulation Committee, with any amendments implemented onto the Register of Electors by the Electoral Registration Officer on 1 February 2019.