Consultations - Planning Policy
Past consultations
LPP2 Main Modifications Consultation
The Council has prepared a schedule of Main Modifications, which reflect matters raised in the Inspector's Note of Initial Findings, together with a schedule of Additional Modifications which the Council is proposing to add further clarity in response to matters raised.
Both schedules are published for consultation for 6 weeks from 28 October until noon on 12 December 2016.
The Modification schedules, tracked-change version of LPP2 showing all Modifications and proposed edits, together with the Sustainability Appraisal/Strategic Environmental Assessment(SA/SEA) and updated evidence, can also be viewed online on the City Council's website
Your comments should be sent using the online consultation system here; or by using the form provided on the LPP2 webpage ( and be submitted online, by post or by email to; Completed paper forms, which are available at the places where the Plan and Modifications can be inspected should be returned to the City Offices at the above address. All responses must be received no later than noon on 12 December 2016.
Please be aware that all comments we receive will be publicly available and will be included on our website
Publication (Pre-Submission) Local Plan Part 2
The consultation on the Publication (Pre-Submission) Local Plan Part 2 ran from 6 November until noon 21 December 2015. You can find further information via this link: