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Getting to our city centre offices

Our offices are on Colebrook Street, Winchester SO23 9LJ.  Please enter via our reception on Colebrook Street, shown below.

Wincester City Council city centre offices on Colebrook Street
Winchester City Council, Colebrook Street SO23 9LJ

We encourage visitors to walk, cycle, or take public transport to reach our offices if possible. If this is not possible, please consider whether you can car share, rather than driving alone.  This helps reduce congestion and air pollution in our city, as well as our district’s carbon footprint.

The Breeze app
Breeze is the all-in-one transport app for the Solent area. It shows the quickest and cheapest journey options to Winchester from across the Solent. You can use Breeze to plan your trip and book your tickets. Download the Breeze app for free on the App Store or Google Play.

Breeze app banner


Winchester City Council logo

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