Strategies, Policies and Plans
On this page you will find links to our main corporate strategies, policies and plans grouped by theme or section. Each section either provides a download copy to the document, or link to another page which contains it.
For policies which are service specific, please go to those service areas on the website.
Council Plan
Council Plan 2025-30 (pdf, 3.9mb) Last published: 03/2025 The Council Plan 2025-30 was adopted at Council on 15 January 2025. This Council Plan is a high-level document covering the period 2025 to 2030. It sets out what the council wants to achieve and informs other strategies and plans including the Local Plan and individual service plans.
Tackling the climate emergency is the overarching priority for the council and will be at the heart of everything we do.Our priorities:
- Greener, Faster
- Healthy Communities
- Thriving Places
- Good Homes for All
- Efficient and Effective
- Listening and Learning
Progress against the projects and actions included in the Council Plan is regularly reported to Scrutiny Committee and Cabinet meetings and can be viewed from the committees pages of the website.
Business and Productivity Plans
Business Plans
Our annual service plans provide detailed information about the activities that will deliver the priorities included in the Council Plan 2020 – 25. Each Corporate Head of Service or Head of Programme has a service plan, and these are updated each year.
Asset Management Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 213kb) Last published: 04/2024 Corporate Communications Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 216kb) Last published: 04/2024 Economy and Community Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 247kb) Last published: 04/2024 Finance Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 409kb) Last published: 04/2024 Housing Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 208kb) Last published: 04/2024 Human Resouces Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 383kb) Last published: 04/2024 Legal Services Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 287kb) Last published: 04/2024 Place Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 394kb) Last published: 04/2024 Policy Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 215kb) Last published: 04/2024 Regeneration Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 200kb) Last published: 04/2024 Regulatory Services Business Plan 2024-25 (pdf, 483kb) Last published: 04/2024 Productivity Plans
As a condition of the 2024/25 Local Government Finance Settlement, all local authorities are required by Government to publish productivity plans by 19 July 2024. The plans cover a number of themes, including:
- How we have transformed the way we design and deliver services and what more we intend to do to make better use of resources.
- How we plan to take advantage of technology and make better use of data to improve decision making, service design and use of resources.
- Our plans to reduce wasteful spend within our organisation and systems (use of agency, consultants, Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) roles, shared services).
- Barriers to productivity and what government, or the market, could do to help.
Productivity Plan (pdf, 672kb) Last published: 07/2024 -
Armed Forces Covenant
A Covenant is a voluntary statement of mutual support between a civilian community and its local Armed Forces Community. It provides an opportunity to consolidate the council’s relationships with the Freedom Regiments and to further a range of other links with the Armed Forces community in Winchester district. You can find more details about it, along with a copy of the covenant here -
Cultural strategies
Winchester District Cultural Strategy
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Policies and information can be found on these pages. Here you can find the 'Complaints Policy' and 'Unreasonable, persistents complaints Policy':
Data Protection, privacy and access to information
- Policies and information can be found on the following pages:
Access to Information Policy (document link on the side of page)
Environment, Green, Waste and Climate
Waste Contract
Waste Contract Information (pdf, 181kb) Last published: 03/2024 In line with the Government's requirement that local authorities publish details of their waste contracts, the Council has provided details relating to its waste collection and recycling contract for the period February 2021 to 31 January 2029. More information on waste collections and recycling can be found on the Waste and Recyling pages of the website.
Green and climate strategies
Financial and Procurement
Capital Strategy
Capital Strategy Last published: 10/2023 Appendix A (pdf, 30kb) Appendix B (pdf, 18kb) Appendix C (pdf, 14kb) Appendix D (pdf, 13kb) Appendix E (pdf, 186kb) Appendix F (pdf, 287kb) Appendix G (pdf, 120kb) Procurement
Winchester City Council Procurement Strategy 202-2025 (pdf, 373kb) Last published: 12/2020 -
Housing For Winchester - Housing Strategy 2023 - 28
Housing Strategy 2023 - 28 (pdf, 2.9mb)
Last published: 01/2023 The Housing Strategy 2023 to 2028 is a high-level strategic plan that sets out the council’s vision and housing objectives to ensure we meet the housing aspirations and needs of our residents Housing Development Strategy
Housing Development Strategy 2021-2030 (pdf, 5.4mb) Last published: 01/2021 In this strategy we sets out what the Council intends to build, for whom and how we will ensure that we deliver high quality affordable homes in a cost effective way. HRA Asset Management Strategy
HRA Asset Management Strategy (pdf, 4.3mb) Last published: 01/2021 The HRA Asset Management Strategy sets out the focus of long term investment plans and key principles for managing housing assets. The strategy sets out a high level, 3 year action plan around achieving these outcomes. Empty Homes Strategy
Empty Homes Strategy 2022-2027 (pdf, 1.2mb) Last published 01/2022 The Council’s Empty Property Strategy was adopted in March 2016 with the aim of providing advice and sign posting assistance to owners to help them bring their empty property back into use. Preventing Homelessness Strategy
Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy 2019 – 2024 (pdf, 573kb)
Last published 01/2019 The council is required under the terms of the Homelessness Act 2002 to produce a Homelessness Strategy. A new 5 year Preventing Homelessness Strategy has been adopted which reflects current priorities and best practice trends in Housing Options services. -
Modern Slavery statement
Winchester City Council has a zero tolerance to modern slavery and human trafficking, and is committed to ensuring that it does not exist in its district or supply chains.
In accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Winchester City Council has produced its Modern Slavery Statement setting out the steps taken to identify and prevent modern slavery in all parts of its operations and supply chains.
Modern Slavery Statement (pdf, 441kb) Last published 07/2024 -
Parking and infrastructure
Parking & Access Strategy 2020 - 2030 (pdf, 406kb)
Last published 01/2020 -
Pay and recruitment
Pay Policy Statement
Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011, requires local authorities to produce a Pay Policy Statement and recommends that the pay multiple is included in these statements as a way of illustrating the authority's approach to pay dispersion. The Pay Policy Statement 2025/26 sets out the principles and rules by which we remunerate senior staff at the Council and was approved by Council on 15 January 2025.
The Pay Ratio, defined as the ratio between the highest and lowest paid officer at the Council has been adopted at a maximum of 1:10 (i.e. the remuneration of the highest paid officer should be no more than 10 times that of the lowest paid).
Pay Policy Statement 2025-26 (pdf, 203kb) Last published: 03/2025 Pay Policy Statement 2024-25 (pdf, 215kb) Last published: 04/2024 Pay Policy Statement 2023-24 (pdf, 215kb) Last published: 04/2023 Pay Policy Statement 2022-23 (pdf, 67kb) Last published: 04/2022 Pay Policy Statement 2021-22 (pdf, 327kb) Last published: 04/2021 Pay Policy Statement 2019-20 (docx, 91kb) Last published: 04/2019 Pay Policy Statement 2018-19 (pdf, 47kb) Last published: 04/2018 Pay Policy Statement 2017-18 (pdf, 53kb) Last published: 04/2017 Recruitment of Ex-Offenders Policy
Policy Statement on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders (pdf, 135kb) Last published: 01/2020