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Winchester at a glance

On this page you will find a quick overview of the Winchester district, providing some core information about various population, household, demographic details and more. Included are links to more detailed information on other web pages on this site, or to other external sources.

Winchester Area

The Winchester district spans 250 square miles (661 square kilometres) of central Hampshire. Most of the geographical county of Hampshire is served by two tiers of local government: Hampshire County Council and 11 local district, borough and city councils.

Population As at the 2021 census, the Winchester district population is approximately 127,500. This comprises of 51.3% female and 48.7% male

There are around 51,700 households (as at the 2021 Census)

Winchester currently has 4847 social housing assets

Education Winchester is home to Winchester University, Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton) and Winchester College
Political split Winchester City Council is led by the Liberal Democrat Party, and as at May 2024, the make up of the Council stands at 33 seats Liberal Democrat Party, 8 seats Conservative Party, 3 seats Green Party and 1 for independents 


  • Other pages on this web site for further reading:

Winchester data page - links to open data sets and other shared data figures

Census page - details from the 2021 Census for the Winchester district

Councillors and Committees - links to pages with details on current councillors, committees, ward maps and more

Strategies, Policies and Plans 

Economic Intelligence - Use this webpage to find out about the economy of the Winchester District

Climate Emergency - links to pages on our carbon emissions and action plans


  • Links to other external sources:

Local Authority health profiles

English indices of deprivation

Winchester City Council logo

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