Apply for CIL
If your community organisation would like to apply for CIL funds, you'll find all the information you need, as well as the application form here.
The funds are aimed at community lead schemes with allocations between £10k and £200k. CIL could be used to fund all of a project or be combined with funding available from other sources.
Requests for funding will be received each year between September - November.
Assessment criteria
Your proposal should meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Support the delivery of development/infrastructure in the Local Plan and other Council strategies.
- Contribute to the delivery of key development sites in the District.
- Be included in the R 123 list/Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
- Contribute towards the delivery of infrastructure by a provider (including the County Council) that would not otherwise happen.
- Lever in other funds that would not otherwise be available, e.g. needed to match or draw grant funding.
- Offers wider as well as local benefits.
- Address a specific impact of new development beyond that which has been secured through a s106 Obligation or s278 (Highways) Agreement.
Submitting bids
Please use the application form to the right of this screen.
You'll need to supply:
- An application form with supporting information.
- Information on each project including details of costs/funding, plans of proposed works, formal approvals where required, and confirmation of landowners agreement to any proposed scheme, where applicable.
Bid timetable
- Bids need to be submitted between September and November each year.
- In the following new year, requests received will be considered by a panel of city council officers, the Portfolio Holder for Built Environment and a representative from Hampshire County Council. Projects will be assessed against the criteria referred to above and recommendations made as to which projects could be supported.
- City council officers will prepare a draft rolling 3 year programme of projects to be funded including those which have been submitted as part of this scheme and recommended for funding by the Panel (ultimately the decision to fund a proposed scheme will rest with Cabinet).
- Cabinet approval will take place in July for the 3 year funding programme including consideration of funding for the recommended bids for community led projects to be delivered in year one.