A non-dependant is an adult who lives with you, normally a grown up son, daughter, friend or relative. A non-dependant will normally reduce your Housing Benefit and/or pension age Council Tax Reduction by the amount the government expects them to contribute to your household. This reduction is called a non-dependant deduction. Non-dependant deductions do not apply to working age Council Tax Reduction.
Non-dependants do not include:
your partner
a child you get Child Benefit for
joint tenants
a resident landlord
boarders or lodgers
There are no deductions if the non-dependant is:
under 18 years old
a full time student
getting Pension Credit or some out of work benefits
a temporary visitor who normally lives somewhere else
There are no deductions if you or your partner:
get Attendance Allowance
get the care component of Disability Living Allowance
get the daily living component of Personal Independence Payment
Aged under 25 and receiving Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Universal Credit (without earnings) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance which does not include an amount for the support component or work related activity component
Aged 25 or over and receiving Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance (income-based), Universal Credit (without earnings) or aged 18 or over and not working or working less than 16 hours each week
Receiving main phase Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
Aged 18 or over and working an average of 16 hours each week or on Universal Credit with earnings (the income from Universal Credit and earnings will be added together):
Gross income less than £183.00
Gross income £183 and £265.99
Gross income £266 and £347.99
Gross income £348 and £462.99
Gross income £463 and £576.99
Gross income £577 and above
If any of your non-dependants have a total gross income of less than £577 per week, you must supply proof of this. If you do not provide proof, we will use the highest deduction.
If two of your non-dependants are partners, we only take one deduction for them, but we use their joint income to work out the amount of the deduction which applies.
Aged under 25 and receiving Income Support, income-based Jobseeker's Allowance, Universal Credit (without earnings) or income-related Employment and Support Allowance which does not include an amount for the support component or work related activity component
Aged 25 or over and receiving Income Support or Jobseeker's Allowance (income-based), Universal Credit (without earnings) or aged 18 or over and not working or working less than 16 hours each week
Receiving main phase Employment and Support Allowance (income-related)
Aged 18 or over and working an average of 16 hours each week or on Universal Credit with earnings (the income from Universal Credit and earnings will be added together):
Gross income less than £176
Gross income £176 and £255.99
Gross income £256 and £333.99
Gross income £334 and £444.99
Gross income £445 and £553.99
Gross income £554 and above
If any of your non-dependants have a total gross income of less than £554 per week, you must supply proof of this. If you do not provide proof, we will use the highest deduction.
If two of your non-dependants are partners, we only take one deduction for them, but we use their joint income to work out the amount of the deduction which applies.
Receiving Income Support, Pension Credit, income-based Jobseekers Allowance, income related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit with no earnings
Aged 18 or over and not working
Aged 18 or over and working an average of 16 hours each week or on Universal Credit with earnings (the income from Universal Credit and earnings will be added together):
Gross income less than £266
Gross income £266 and £462.99
Gross income £463 and £576.99
Gross income £577 and above
If any of your non-dependants have a total gross income of less than £577 per week, you must supply proof of this. If you do not provide proof, we will use the highest deduction.
If two of your non-dependants are partners, we only take one deduction for them, but we use their joint income to work out the amount of the deduction which applies.
Receiving Income Support, Pension Credit, income-based Jobseekers Allowance, income related Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit with no earnings
Aged 18 or over and not working
Aged 18 or over and working an average of 16 hours each week or on Universal Credit with earnings (the income from Universal Credit and earnings will be added together):
Gross income less than £256
Gross income £256 and £444.99
Gross income £445 and £553.99
Gross income £554 and above
If any of your non-dependants have a total gross income of less than £554 per week, you must supply proof of this. If you do not provide proof, we will use the highest deduction.
If two of your non-dependants are partners, we only take one deduction for them, but we use their joint income to work out the amount of the deduction which applies.
If you or your partner are aged 65 or over and a non-dependant moves in, or your non-dependant's circumstances change and the deduction increases, your benefit will not reduce until 26 weeks after the change actually happened.