If you are pension age and unable to get a 25% Single Person Discount on your Council Tax bill because you have another adult living in your household, you can apply for Second Adult Rebate.
To qualify for a Second Adult Rebate the second adult(s) must be:
All second adults are on Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based), Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related) or Pension Credit and the liable person is a full time student.
Second Adult on Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based) or Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
Second Adult gross income less than £276
Second Adult gross income £276 - £358
In some circumstances a person may be entitled to both Council Tax Reduction and Second Adult Rebate. In these cases, you will be awarded the higher of the two awards.
All second adults are on Income Support, Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based), Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related) or Pension Credit and the liable person is a full time student.
Second Adult on Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance (Income Based) or Pension Credit or Employment and Support Allowance (Income Related)
Second Adult gross income less than £265
Second Adult gross income £265 - £344
In some circumstances a person may be entitled to both Council Tax Reduction and Second Adult Rebate. In these cases, you will be awarded the higher of the two awards.