Online Forms
Complete a Review Form:
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction review form
If you have been asked to complete a Housing Benefit/Council Tax Reduction review form click here.
Apply for:
Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
Housing Benefit is help towards your rent, Council Tax Reduction is help towards your Council Tax.
Click here to apply for Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction
Housing Benefit is being replaced by Universal Credit for working age claimants. It is important that you claim the correct benefit or you may lose money.Click here for more information.
Backdated Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction
If you are under State Pension Credit age Housing Benefit can be backdated if a good reason is shown for the delay in claiming. A good reason must be shown for the whole backdate.The maximum time a claim can be backdated is one month.This time is from the date that the application for backdating is made.
Council Tax Reduction can be backdated to the commencement of the financial year.
If you or your partner are over State Pension Credit age you have 3 months to claim Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction. You do not need to provide a good reason.
Click here to apply for a backdate
Discretionary Housing Payment
Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP) can provide extra money when we decide that you need extra help to meet your housing costs.
DHP cannot be used to pay rent arrears for periods where there is no entitlement to Housing Benefit or Universal Credit. DHP can be paid for a past period to top up the difference between the eligible rent and Housing Benefit or Universal Credit.
Click here to apply for a DHP because you have an ongoing shortfall in your rent or for a past period top up. Any award is on a short term basis while you try to improve your circumstances.
Click here to apply for a lump sum DHP for help towards a one off housing cost, for example costs associated with moving house.
Extra bedroom allowance
An extra bedroom allowance can be awarded if you have a disabled child who is receiving the care part of Disability Living Allowance at the highest or middle rate. And this child is unable to share a bedroom with another child, who they would normally be treated as sharing with. Click here to apply.
An extra bedroom allowance can be awarded if you, your partner or any member of your household needs regular overnight care from someone who doesn't normally live with you. You, your partner or any member of your household must be receiving Attendance Allowance, the care part of Disability Living Allowance at the highest or middle rate, either rate of the daily living part of Personal Independence Payment, Armed Forces Independence Payment or provide evidence that regular overnight care is required. Click here to apply.
In both cases, there must be an extra bedroom available.
Exceptional Hardship Fund
The Exceptional Hardship Fund payment is an extra payment to help towards reducing your Council Tax liability. They may be paid to people whether or not they are receiving Council Tax Reduction and can be paid towards a council tax charge on an occupied or unoccupied property. They are generally intended for people experiencing a short-term exceptional financial problem.
The Council has a limited amount of money each year for the scheme. We then have to decide who this money is paid to. These are not benefit payments and you should not rely on a payment being made.
Click here to apply
Housing Benefit notifications by email
Sign up here to receive your Housing Benefit notifications by email.
Change in circumstances
While you are receiving Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction, you must tell the Benefits & Welfare Section straight away about any change of circumstances that might affect your entitlement to, or the amount of Council Tax Reduction and/or Housing Benefit. This also applies to anyone acting on your behalf and anyone who receives payments for you, for example your landlord.
Examples of Change of Circumstances:
- You change address
- Someone moves in or out of your home
- A change in income or capital of anyone in your household
- You or your partner are going to be temporarily away from home
- Your child care costs change
Click here to report a change of circumstances
Moving in date
Confirm your moving in date by clicking here
Evidence online
The quickest way to provide proof to us is by clicking here and uploading a copy of your documents. Please ensure documents have password protection removed before submitting.
Self employed form
If you are self employed you will be required to provide details of your self employed income.
You will need to provide a copy of last years accounts or complete this form.
If you have just started as self-employed, we will ask you to estimate your income and expenses for the first 13 weeks of trading. We will contact you for actual income and expenses at a later date so you will need to keep a record of these.
You will need to provide proof of your self employed income every year.
Authority to discuss with a third party
If you want us to discuss your Housing Benefit/ Council Tax Reduction claim with a third party please click here.
Bank details
Click here to provide your bank details or changes to your bank details for Housing Benefit payments to be paid into.
Financial Statement
A financial statement provides details of your income and expenses. You may be requested to complete a financial statement when making arrangements for paying an overpayment.
Click here to provide details of your income and expenses.
Rent proof
If you are unable to provide your tenancy agreement, you and your landlord can complete a rent proof form by clicking here
Certificate of Earnings
If you are unable to provide wage slips, your employer can complete a certificate of earnings.
Click here to complete the form
Certificate of childcare costs
If you pay childcare costs you will need to provide evidence.
The form must be signed by you and the childcare provider.
Click here to complete the form
Habitual Residence Test
If you have recently come to the United Kingdom (UK). We need some more information to decide if you are habitually resident in the UK.
Click here to complete a habitual residence test.
Company Director Questionnaire
If you are a company director you will need to complete this questionnaire.
Close relative form
If you are renting a property from a close relative, we need your landlord to complete this form.
An explanation or dispute a Housing Benefit and/or Council Tax Reduction decision
To request an explanation or dispute a Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction decision click here
Housing Benefit paid directly to your landlord
Housing Benefit for private tenants is normally payable to the claimant, however, there are special circumstances when we can pay Housing Benefit directly to the landlord, for example you have a medical condition or disability which cause you difficulties in paying your rent.
Click here if you wish to apply for your Housing Benefit to be paid directly to your landord.
If you are a Housing Association tenant, do not complete this form. Please email to confirm that you want your Housing Benefit to be paid directly to your landlord.