Employment and Skills Plans
Winchester City Council works closely with contractors to create Employment and Skills Plans (ESPs). These plans help create employment and skills opportunities for the residents of the Winchester district through work experience, job creation, apprenticeships, careers information and training.
All large scale planning applications (10 or more houses/1000sq.m plus floor space) in the Winchester district require an employment and skills plan.
Winchester City Council follows the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) client based approach which is set out in a document that can be downloaded to the right of this web page. The CITB has established benchmarks for all sizes and types of building project. The CITB has developed these in consultation with the construction sector.
The council would also welcome training and employment opportunities for local people that improve retrofit skills, for example the installation of loft and wall insulation, solar panels, single room ventilation and ground source heating. Details of training courses that promote retrofit skills can also be downloaded on this web page.
To find out more contact Alison Woods, Business Engagement Manager, at ecodev@winchester.gov.uk

Sports and Leisure Park construction.