Prevent - Reducing the risk of radicalisation
Although extremely rare in the UK, terrorism is a danger to us all. Local Authorities and other partner agencies within Hampshire and the IoW are working together to raise awareness around the Prevent agenda and have agreed to raise greater public awareness around the risks associated with being radicalised.
What is Prevent?
Prevent aims to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. It is part of the Government's Counter Terrorism Strategy.
Terrorism is the unlawful use of violence or a threat of violence to support a belief or ideology. Extremism is the use of extreme behaviour to support a belief or ideology. Not all extremism is harmful or criminal, but sometimes those who behave in an extreme way can go on to become terrorists.
Prevention is better than cure
The Hampshire Constabulary Prevent Team, in partnership with local authorities and other partnership agencies, including Winchester City Council, is working in collaboration to identify those at risk of becoming or supporting terrorists. We are doing this by building stronger, safer communities who feel empowered to reject extremism and terrorism in all its forms.
In 2020 the impact of Covid19 has seen an increase in time spent online and a rise in hateful extremism, this is creating an environment in which young and vulnerable people are at a greater risk of being targeted and groomed by others who wish to do harm.
It has been established that it is family and friends – including close co-workers – who are often the first to spot the worrying changes in behaviour that might be a sign that someone they know may be at risk of being radicalised by terrorists or extremist content online. Recent studies show that many people are unsure of the signs to look out for and who to turn to if they do have concerns.
Most people know little about the Prevent programme, or the support it can provide to help those vulnerable to the risks related to extremist/terrorist ideology. That is why Counter Terrorism Policing (CTP) has launched a new website - - to encourage friends and family to act early, share concerns and seek help if they are worried that someone they care about is at risk/being radicalised.
Who to contact?
The Hampshire and Isle of Wight Prevent Partnership Board aims to stop people from becoming violent extremists or supporting terrorism. Their website offers a wealth of useful information on national and local guidance, training, resources and links to useful organisations.
If you have any concerns about an individual, please contact Hampshire Constabulary on the non-emergency number, 101, or by e-mail; alternatively, call the Anti-Terrorism hotline on 0800 789 321
If you see extremist material online
The internet is used by some people to promote terrorism and extremism. Hampshire Constabulary is committed to protecting citizens but they rely on people to tell them about it. Visit, which is a dedicated web page where you can report on-line content you think might be illegal or which you find offensive.
Please see external links below for further information on the work of Hampshire Constabulary's prevent team.
For further information please contact the Community Safety Team on; 01962 848 132 or by e-mail;