Single Persons Discount
You can get a 25% Single Person Discount off your Council Tax bill if you meet the following criteria:
- you are the only adult (aged 18 or over) living in a property
- it is your sole or main residence
To apply for the discount please access our online portal and select apply for Council Tax reductions.
Discounts must be claimed at the time the circumstances first apply. A Single Person Discount will not be backdated for more than 3 months from the date an application is made to the Council.
Can I be penalised for failing to inform the Council about a change in circumstances regarding my discount?
Yes. If you are in receipt of a discount and your circumstances change which may affect the discount, you have a duty to inform the Council within 21 days of the change of circumstances. The Council may impose a civil penalty of £50 for failure to advise of your change in circumstances which affect your discount.
The Theft Act 1968 also applies to Council Tax where a person presents information which they know to be false with a view to obtaining a financial benefit to which they are not entitled. You could be subject to prosecution for obtaining a pecuniary advantage by deception.