Dog Fouling/Barking
DOGS (Fouling of Land) Act 1996
The Council adopted the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996 to cover all land within its district which is open to the air and to which the public are allowed or permitted to have access. This includes:
- Pavements
- Parks
- Roads
- Open Spaces
- Footbridges
- Amenity Areas
- Footpaths
- Shopping Precincts
- Grass Verges
- Car Parks
- Playing Fields
Anyone in charge of a dog must clean up after their dog, seal/tie the bag and place it in an appropriate receptacle. Any litter bin or dual use bin can be used or, if there is not one nearby, the bag can be disposed of with your own domestic rubbish. Note that leaving a bag of dog mess in a public place is not complying with the law.
The law does not apply to the following:
- Land comprised in or running alongside a highway where the speed limit is over 40mph.
- Land used for agriculture or woodland.
- Land which is permanently marshland, moor or heath.
- Rural common land.
Private gardens, drives, roads etc. are not covered by the legislation as they are not for general public access.
People who are registered blind and in control of a dog are exempt from the legislation.
If you are not sure whether the Act applies to an area, you should assume that it does.