Tenant Talk Questionnaire
A fairer service to all
Winchester City Council's Equality and Diversity Policy
Regardless of race, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability or other difference, we are committed to equality for all people. We recognise and value diversity and believe that equality is central to the provision of modern quality services.
Data Protection Act 1988
In order to assist the Council achieve its aim of equality, we ask that you provide the details requested in the following few questions. If you reply that you have particular needs and that you are happy to be involved, we may invite you to give us your views when reviewing how to provide a service to ensure those needs are given adequate consideration and prevent indirect discrimination.
The information you provide will be used solely for monitoring and improving our service and will be held and used in accordance with provisions of the Data Protection Act 1988. All your personal details will remain confidential to those involved in either the service monitoring and/or service improvement.
We may share this information with our housing partners in order to help us provide and improve the service you require. The information may also be used for statistical purposes in which case your identifying details (name and address)will be removed.
Some of the information is sensitive personal data which we can only collect and hold with your explicit consent. By providing the information you consent to it being held by Winchester City Council on a secure database and used to improve the delivery of Council services to you.
If you have any concerns about the above please contact our Customer Service Centre on 01962 840 222.