Altering a Listed Building
Any work to a listed building requires careful thought and a good understanding of the building, its historic development, and its construction type. Poorly considered or badly executed works to a listed building can cause irreversible damage and harm to its significance.
Basic ‘like for like’ (in terms of materials and building technique) repairs can be undertaken without the need for any formal consent. Any other alterations to the fabric of a listed building generally requires the submission of an application for Listed Building Consent. This is a formal application process where an applicant would need to demonstrate that the proposed works would have no impact on the character of the listed building. Carrying out works to a listed building which require Listed Building Consent, without first receiving that consent is a criminal offence. Conviction for this offence carries severe penalties, so please do contact us for advice at the earliest opportunity.
We can offer site specific advice to any owner or custodian of a historic building, on a paid-for basis. For further information please visit our pre-application advice page - Pre-Applications advice and enquiries - Winchester City Council - Winchester City Council.
Information regarding frequently asked questions can be found through the drop down menu below and in the Historic England guidance provided to the side: