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Local Character

Assessments of the Local Character (Characterisation) of an area; including a conservation area, allow the potential for an understanding into the change of the use of land over a large period of time. They enable this by tracing the footprint of the history of an area through various methods, including architectural investigations. This allows local authorities the opportunity to manage the unique and special identity of an area. 

The locally distinctive assessment themes can include

  • Spatial Qualities/Urban Grain/Circulation
  • Topography/ Landscape/Views/Setting
  • Architecture/ Design Details/ Materials
  • Use/ Condition
  • Height/Scale/Mass
  • Intangibles Smell/Light and Dark/Peaceful/Secure

Understanding significant locally distinctive character is important for understanding context in terms of design within the Development Management framework. An assessment of character adds value to Design and Access and Heritage Statements often required to support the application process.

A significant part of the Winchester Future 50 Conservation Area Project involved assessing the locally distinctive and significant character and appearance of the two of the conservation areas within the pilot project; St Giles and the Walled Town. The recorded data and information can be seen through the new Winchester Future 50 Conservation Area Project GIS layer. Further information into the project and the outcomes can also be accessed through the Winchester Future 50 page.

For further information and guidance on Characterisation and Architectural Investigations as well as links to the Conservation Area Appraisals and Technical Assessments as well as the Boundary Maps, please refer to the links on the side of this page.
