Heritage Statement Guidance
Guidance for what to write in Heritage Statements
Para 128 of NPPF (National Planning Policy Framework 2012) states that “Local planning authorities should require an applicant to describe the significance of any heritage assets affected including any contribution made by their setting”
For applications for listed building consent, a Heritage Statement is a written statement that includes a schedule of works to the listed building(s), an analysis of the significance of archaeology, history and character of the building/structure, the principles of and justification for the proposed works and their impact on the special character of the listed building or structure, its setting and the setting of adjacent listed buildings may be required. A structural survey may be required in support of an application for listed building consent.
For most applications the heritage statement will include the following components:
The statement should show clearly that you have considered all the relevant issues and sought to preserve the special appearance and character of the building or area affected. Information on any sources and expertise that has been consulted should also be provided.
As a minimum, applicants are expected to consult the Winchester City Council Historic Environment Record (HER) for information on the history of the building, site or area as well as the National Heritage List produced by English Heritage, relevant local plan policies and any available Conservation Area Character Appraisals.
The HER is the principal source of information about the historic environment of Winchester District and is managed and organised on a computer database, which is combined with GIS mapping technology. The database is an index to fuller information and is supplemented with various types of information, such as plans, photographs, reports, books, maps, etc.
The Heritage Statement should ideally be prepared by an appropriate professional with the necessary expertise to properly assess the heritage asset and its significance. For buildings or sites of high significance it is recommended that the statement be prepared by an architectural historian, an accredited conservation architect or qualified archaeologist. It is important that your statement is a balanced, evidence based assessment of the potential impacts of the proposed development, and should not simply express a personal view on whether the works should be approved.