Hampshire Home Choice
You can access Hampshire Home Choice by clicking the following link www.hampshirehomechoice.org.uk On the site you will be able to register for housing and bid for properties.
Hampshire Home Choice is a partnership between East Hampshire District Council, Eastleigh Borough Council, Havant Borough Council, Test Valley Borough Council and Winchester City Council. Applicants registered in Winchester will usually notbe able to bid for properties in East Hampshire, Havant, Test Valley and Eastleigh council areas unless they have a local connection with any of the other four local authority areas.
- A single system of allocations across the whole sub region, enabling people to move across five council areas
- Applicants with the ability to take a more pro-active role and have the choice of bidding only for the properties that interest them
- A system that applicants can understand and which is both open and fair as applicants can view all vacant properties available and the number of bids for each property
- The ability for people to move across the five areas
- Assistance for applicants in the highest assessed need and minimises homelessness
- Support to vulnerable applicants and difficult to reach groups in order to participate
- Information to increase the sustainability of local communities. Please select "How the scheme will work" on the left for further details on the scheme.
- Further Information
If you would like further information about the scheme please contact Customer Services by email - customerservices@winchester.gov.uk or telephone on 01962 848 400.