Interim Authority Notice
In the event of the death of a premises licence holder, bankrupcy or mental incapacity, special arrangements for the continuation of permissions under a premises licence may be applied for. In the normal course of events, the licence would lapse in such circumstances.
In circumstances stated above, an interim authority notice may be given to the licensing authority within twenty-eight days beginning the day after the licence lapsed, owing to the death, incapacity or insolvency of the holder. All applicants must give notice of the application to the chief officer of Police. The maximum period for which an interim authority notice may have effect is three months.
An interim authority notice may only be given either by a person with a prescribed interest in the premises as set out by the Secretary of State in regulations which may be viewed on the DCMS website; or a person connected to the former holder of the licence.
Changes from 6 April 2017
Any applications made on or after 6 April 2017 will be required to have supporting documentation proving an applicants entitlement to work in the UK following the introduction of the Immigration Act 2016. Any individual or an individual in a partnership must have the entitlement to work in the UK and are not subject to a condition preventing them from doing work relating to the carrying on of a licensable activity. Applicants should not provide original documents but clear copies.
Amended applications are now available.
The fee for an interim authority notice is £23. Please make all cheques payable to Winchester City Council. The application form can be found on the right-hand-side.