Minor Variation
A minor variation makes it possible to make small changes to your premises licence or club premises certificate without completing an application to vary the premises licence.
To determine whether a proposed variation is 'minor' depends on whether it could impact adversely on any of the four licensing objectives.
A minor variation can be applied for changes such as:
- Small changes to the structure or layout of a premises
- The addition of authorisation for late night refreshment or regulated entertainment (such as live music, performance of plays or film exhibitions)
- Small changes to licensing hours (but see below on changes that relate to alcohol)
- Revisions, removals and additions of conditions (this could include the removal or amendment of out of date, irrelevant or unenforceable conditions, or the addition of volunteered conditions)
A minor variation cannot be used to:
- Extend licensing hours for the sale or supply of alcohol at any time between 23:00 and 07:00
- Increase the amount of time on any day during which alcohol may be sold by retail or supplied
- Extend the period for which the licence or certificate has effect
- Transfer the licence or certificate from one premises to another, or vary substantially the premises to which it relates
- Specify, in a premises licence, an individual as the premises supervisor
- Add the sale by retail or supply of alcohol as an activity authorised by a licence or certificate
- Disapply the mandatory conditions relating to a designated premises supervisor