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Road Verge Management


We have an all-year-round approach to managing biodiversity in the Winchester district, so that we can achieve the most impactful long-term results. We want to see long-term increases in diversity and benefits, therefore the focus is on all-year management. The best form of management depends on the site and what species are present.

We have changed the way we manage some of our road verges to increase biodiversity and we’re in the third year of our pilot road project involving verges in Badger Farm and New Alresford. These areas were chosen because of their existing seed banks and local interest, among other things. 

Grass cutting

We cut the majority of grass areas across the Winchester District in partnership with Hampshire County Council  (HCC) to ensure the safety of those using the roads and highway spaces. This work is funded by HCC as they are the highways authority and, because it concerns public safety, it continues all year round.

Our Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) sets out how we're responding to the need to protect, enhance and restore key biodiversity in the district. Through the plan, we’re improving the way we manage our grasslands to encourage more biodiversity. We want to see long-term increases in diversity and benefits, therefore the focus is on correct all-year management, rather than simply stopping cutting for one month or a period of time.

Cowslips and Pyramidal Orchids growing in wildflower areas in Winchester

View Pilot Verge/Wildflower areas on Winchester City Council Grounds Maintenance Map


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