Alresford wins cash to put pedestrians first
Alresford Town Partnership (ATP) has successfully bid for £111,000 of SEEDA Small Rural Towns funding to improve parking and footpaths in the town.
The money from SEEDA Small Rural Towns Fund and delivered by Hampshire County Council, will be spent on car park extension management measures for existing car parking and a new footpath at Perins School, designed to create a more welcoming town for pedestrians and to ensure the ongoing success of Alresford businesses.
ATP is made up of representatives from many interest groups from the town and from representatives of neighbouring villages. Winchester City Council (WCC) and Hampshire County Council (HCC) have been working closely with the Partnership over the last two years to reach this stage. The support of Alresford Town Council and of The Alresford Society has been another vital factor. The Putting Pedestrians First project is a product of the market towns healthcheck work which the Partnership has undertaken.
Dr.Nigel Paterson, who is Chair of ATP, is thrilled with the result of the SEEDA funding bid.
“This is the last piece of the funding jigsaw needed for this £0.25m project. It is the result of many months of hard work and dedication from volunteers, and I would like to thank everyone for their hard work. It has been well worth all the effort.”
The work planned with this funding will allow more long-term car parking spaces at Perins School. It is intended that these will free up the short-term parking spaces in the town centre. It will also include parking meters through which new and existing parking can be effectively managed. This will allow more shoppers and visitors to park and to enjoy the benefits of the varied shops and other services available in Alresford. The other half of the project is the construction of a surfaced footpath through Perins School grounds, linking with the residential area to the south of the school. This will make it easier and safer for residents, both young and old, to access the town centre on foot.
Cllr George Beckett, Leader of Winchester City Council, is fully supportive of the project.