New Cabinet announced
At the Annual Council meeting on Wednesday 17 May, Cllr Martin Tod was re-elected as Leader of the Council, and he announced his Cabinet as follows:
- Cllr Neil Cutler Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Performance
- Cllr Kelsie Learney - Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency
- Cllr Lucille Thompson - Cabinet Member for Business and Culture
- Cllr Jackie Porter - Cabinet Member for Place and the Local Plan
- Cllr Chris Westwood - Cabinet Member for Housing
- Cllr Kathleen Becker – Cabinet Member for Community and Engagement
The Leader continues his responsibility for Asset Management.

Following the election on 4 May 2023, the political make-up of the council is now:
- 30 seats for the Liberal Democrat Party
- 12 seats for the Conservative Party
- 2 seats for the Green Party
- 1 seat for Independent Councillors