City Council one of only five local authorities UK-wide to receive silver carbon literacy award
Winchester City Council has been recognised for its efforts in training staff about the impacts of carbon and how day-to-day actions in their work and at home, can help reduce carbon emissions.
The council is one of only 5 local authorities across the UK to be awarded the silver accreditation by the Carbon Literacy Trust.
Over 150 council staff and councillors have now completed the in-house Carbon Literacy Training which involves a day of training followed by creating their own action plan for reducing carbon emissions – whether at work or at home.

Cllr Kelsie Learney, Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency said:
“I’m extremely proud of the staff team at the city council for their dedication and commitment to meeting our carbon neutral targets. We have committed to becoming greener faster and having staff who understand what that means and are committed to this ambition is a hugely important part of us being able to achieve this.”
Dave Coleman, Co-Founder and Managing Director of The Carbon Literacy Project, said:
“Carbon Literacy is an essential skill, vital to every workplace, community and place of study. It is the foundation knowledge, and a catalyst to empowering people to act on climate, however, Carbon Literacy is only the first step. The actions taken and pledged by learners as part of their Carbon Literacy have an immediate impact within their organisation, however it is the maintenance of these and further actions, supported by Carbon Literate organisational culture, that reap the greatest rewards for both participants and their organisations. By becoming a Silver accredited Carbon Literate Organisation, Winchester City Council has demonstrated its commitment to genuine low carbon action, environmental and economic impact, and the building of a low carbon future for us all.”
To support carbon reduction across the South East, the council has trained staff from eight other local authorities and organisations in the area.