Changes to Local Government - the English Devolution White paper
The UK Government's English Devolution white paper outlines lots of changes to how local councils will be structured.
Alongside its plans to devolve powers, the Government has also asked councils in the Hampshire and Solent region to propose how they will restructure to become larger unitary authorities (which would combine the services of the county council and district / borough councils).
On Monday 3 March at 6pm, Leader of the Council Cllr Martin Tod will hold a public webinar where he’ll:
- explain the changes;
- what is expected as a result of the government’s white paper;
- and what it all means for councils across Hampshire.
The webinar is open to everyone and we warmly welcome you to attend - all you need to do is register your interest and we will send you a link to join nearer the time. You can also use the form to submit any questions in advance.
We’ve added a section to our website in the meantime to help explain both Devolution and Local Government reorganisation.