Improving air quality in Winchester
A new strategy that will help to improve public health and tackle air pollution across the Winchester district was approved this week by Winchester City Council’s Cabinet.
The district-wide Air Quality Strategy - which was developed in collaboration with councillors across political parties and other local partners and experts in public health- outlines a commitment to improving air quality faster than national targets.

The strategy recognises that the impact on health – especially from small particulate matter – is not widely known, but is significant. The strategy outlines the biggest pollutants in our district and focuses on what can be done to reduce these, working collaboratively and alongside experts across the region. The strategy evidences the wide-ranging health issues that are caused by poor air quality, both indoor and outdoor, and describes areas of action to improve air quality and enhance the health and wellbeing of communities across the district.
Winchester City Centre has been covered by an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) since 2003, and a since then a series of five-yearly Air Quality Action Plans have been successfully driving improvements in air quality. This strategy builds on lessons learned and looks across the whole of the district.
Speaking about the strategy, Cabinet member for Place and the Local Plan Cllr Jackie Porter said:
“Air Quality, both indoor and outside, is a really important issue – nobody wants to breathe polluted air and for many of our residents the health implications are serious, wide ranging but little known. Almost all of us, whether inside or out, are breathing in air which exceeds World Health Organisation guidelines for pollutants.
We want to do all we can to drive down poor air quality and improve the health across the district and at the same time share the small steps people can take to help protect themselves and their families.We’ve shown that action has improved air quality in the city, we want to extend this across the district and we will work across the region to make that happen.”
To find out more about the newly adopted strategy, please visit