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Sport England: Active Lives Data

Sport England measure the nation's activity levels and produce two surveys: Active Lives Adult and Active Lives Children and Young People, which are both published annually. These provide a unique and comprehensive view of how people are getting active.

Sport England’s most recent reports are available to download by visiting the website. A summary of activity levels of Winchester can be seen below.

The most recent Sport England Active Lives Data shows that 73.3% of the population in Winchester are deemed ‘Active’* which is 9.9% higher than the National rate.

*150+ minutes of physical activity a week

Data also shows that 14.2% of the population in Winchester are deemed ‘Inactive’** which is 11.5% lower than the National rate. 

**<30 minutes of physical activity a week

When we compare this to other local authorities we are seen as the most active in Hampshire. We also have the highest inactivity rate when compared to other local authorities.

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