Support for Ukraine
As part of our commitment to supporting the City of Sanctuary movement Winchester City Council is welcoming Ukrainian guests who are seeking a safe place due to the ongoing Ukraine crisis.
We are working within developing guidance from Government in order to meet the needs of people from Ukraine fleeing the country – building on previous resettlement schemes and our past experiences to help refugees and evacuees from other conflicts. Our webpages are being updated on a regular basis to ensure we keep the public well informed about the steps we are taking with our partners across Hampshire to support those seeking refuge, and how they can help.
If you have any queries or concerns you would like to raise with us, then please do fill out our form here.
About the Scheme
Homes For Ukraine Scheme
On 14 March 2022, the Government launched its Homes for Ukraine scheme. This enables individuals and organisations the opportunity to volunteer accommodation to house Ukrainians forced to escape their homeland.
More information is available here.
A set of local FAQs for Hampshire Guidance for Ukrainian guests and Guidance for sponsors.
Welcome: a guide for Ukrainians arriving in the UK
Immediate benefit support for those fleeing the invasion in Ukraine
Ukraine Permission Extension scheme
On 18 February 2024, the UK government announced the launch of the Ukraine Permission Extension (UPE) scheme.
If you’re a Ukrainian national, or the family member of a Ukrainian national, and are living in the UK with existing permission on one of the Ukraine schemes, you may be eligible to apply for UPE to continue living in the UK for up to a further 18 months.
It is free to apply. You can apply now online.
When to apply
You should only make an application when your current permission has 28 days or less remaining until it expires.
If you apply too early, your application may be rejected and not considered. If this happens, you will need to reapply when your current permission has 28 days or less remaining until it expires.
You must make an application before your current permission expires.
If you apply after your current permission expires, even if your application for UPE is successful later, you will lose your current entitlements to work, rent and receive benefits until a decision is made on your late application. You may be required to repay any public funds (for example, certain benefits) that are paid to you during this period.
It is important that you know the date when your current permission will end so that you apply to UPE in time. If you are unsure when your current permission ends sign into your UKVI account to find out.
Find out how to view your current immigration status.
Please see Government’s guidance for Ukrainian nationals and their immediate family members who wish to remain in the UK under the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme here:
Applying to the Ukraine Permission Extension scheme - GOV.UK
Winchester City Council in partnership with Citizens Advice are organising visa hubs to provide support in applying for Ukraine Permission Extension scheme.
Our second hub is on 19 March from 10am till 12pm in the City Offices, Colebrook Street, SO23 9LJ -
Become a Host
If you want to offer a home to people fleeing Ukraine, you can become a sponsor as part of the Homes for Ukraine scheme.Homes for Ukraine: record your interest.
What to Expect
- DBS Checks -
You will be contacted to arrange for a free DBS check for all household members over the age of 16 (not the Ukrainian Guests). For hosts offering an unoccupied property for their guests, the primary host will be required to undergo a free DBS check but this may not be necessary for other members of your household.
- Home Checks - a council officer will arrange for a home check, at your convenience, to be carried out to ensure that the accommodation is safe and habitable. To be approved as a host, the accommodation must meet the specified basic accommodation needs. Home checks take approximately 1 hour and you should expect to hear back within 48 hours.
- Guest Arrival - Upon receipt of arrival each guest will be gifted £200 to assist with immediate settlement costs. This is reliant on the host's confirmation of their guests arrival.
- Guests Leaving - Please notify us when your guests move on from your accommodation.
- Housing Options - If it is no longer safe or viable to continue with your housing arrangements and would like advice on alternative housing options, please contact our dedicated team at
- Support for your Guests - The following section, Practical Advice For Guests, details important information about the services guests should access to support daily life. You may want to familiarise yourself with the content and offer assistance with registrations.
For more guidance visit Homes for Ukraine: Guidance for guests - GOV.UK (
- DBS Checks -
Practical Advice For Guests
Immigration Advice - Information and support for Ukrainian guests in the UK, including family migration visa and the Ukraine family scheme Help for Ukrainian Guests in the UK | British Red Cross
- Health information: child health, adult health and care for elderly, vulnerable or disabled adults
- Register with a dentist: Find a dentist - NHS (
- Register with a GP: Find a GP - NHS (
- Get up-to-date with your vaccinations: English, Ukrainian and Russian
Work and Benefits
- Find your nearest Jobcentre for advice on benefits and finding work. Jobcentres also offer translation services and can support when starting a benefits claim.
- Start a Universal Credit claim.
- You can get advice and support to apply for benefits and find work from Citizens Advice who can put you in touch with their local advisors.
- Careers advice - job profiles, information and resources | National Careers Service, to book an appointment ask your work coach at the Job center or call 0800 100 900 to book your appointment.
Children and Families
- Childrens Mental health: UK children’s charity Barnardo’s has set up a free helpline, staffed by English, Ukrainian and Russian speakers, to offer support to children and families arriving in the UK from Ukraine. Callers can get help and advice on a range of topics. The helpline operates: Monday to Friday 10am to 8pm, Saturdays 10am to 3pm. Call the free helpline: 0800 148 8586
- Early Help: Supporting Families in the Winchester District - Winchester City Council
- Child Safety: If you are concerned about the welfare of a child, you can report your concerns to Hampshire Children Services Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm, phone 0300 555 1384 At all other times, contact the out-of-hours service, phone 0300 555 1373
- Adult Safety: Hampshire Safeguarding Adults Board (
- Ukrainian children will be able to attend school and college while they are in Hampshire. Advice on how to apply to Hampshire schools for a place for your child or children.
- For young people aged 16 to 18 who wish to attend education or training at a local college, you can contact colleges and training providers directly to discuss making an application. If you would like support to apply, email List of colleges and training providers in Hampshire
- For those aged 19 and over, funded English language and adult learning courses are offered by local colleges and Hampshire County Council. Details of courses are available via the National Careers Service.
Accessing Local Facilities
Winchester City Council is devoted to helping its residents achieve a healthy body and mind by providing a variety of leisure facilities for all ages to enjoy. Working in partnership with Everyone Active, which manages our leisure centres, the council aims to help more people experience these benefits by supporting them to be more active, more often.
For more information about Everyone Active and the Leisure Centres, see: Winchester Sport & Leisure Park and Meadowside Leisure Centre
If you attend leisure centre regularly you might want to consider a concession annual membership which is for those in receipt of universal credit. More details can be found on EA website Everyone Active Concession Gym Membership - Everyone Active or speak to a member of a team in the leisure centre.
Travel and Transport
- New arrival can get 12 weeks’ free bus travel from your local bus service by completing this form (docx, 414kb). To apply, just complete this form and send it via email: Your free travel bus pass will cover the routes offered by the main bus company operating in your area. Further information will be provided with your pass. All children under five years of age and adults who are 65 and over are eligible for free bus travel in the UK, so they do not need to be included in your application for a 12-week free bus travel pass. More details on getting a free bus travel pass if you are 65 or over
- Drive Confident: Welcome to the UK - Overview ( Упевнене керування автомобілем. Ласкаво просимо до Сполученого Королівства! - Overview (
Language and Culture
- If you'd like to know more about the English language or our culture, you may want to watch some of the videos on a YouTube channel called English with Ukrainians.
Support from Winchester City Council
Welcome Pack
We have created an information guide for our Ukrainian guests. You can find it here:
Community Support for Ukraine (help and advice)
Winchester City Council is moving to a more personalised support service approach since January 2023.
Online one to one drop-in sessions with the Community Liaison Officer (Ukraine) for hosts or guests twice monthly, on a Monday starting from 16 January. If required, translation services are available. These sessions will be offering advice on the best way to access services, cultural awareness, community integration, independent living etc.
These one to one sessions are an opportunity for the host or guest to speak directly to the Liaison Officer in order to be provided with direct support and answers to questions or issues you may have. Please see the following dates to book your slot on our upcoming sessions:- 24th of Mrach 2025 Information and advice sessions for Ukrainian guests
- 8th of April 2025 Information and advice sessions for Ukrainian guests
Monthly in person meetings to support independent living.
Held at The United Church, Jewry St, Winchester SO23 8RZ. These sessions usually run on a Friday morning, once a month, with the aim of helping those who are already living independently or who will be in the near future. These sessions give practical advice and support in order for our guests to continue with their journey to live independently. Please see below for our upcoming dates.
- 28 March 2025 Housing Advice Hub (10.00am-12.00pm)
For any other queries our dedicated Ukraine team can be contacted via
Independence and Integration Support Fund
The Independence and Integration Support Fund, provided by Government funding and distributed through Hampshire County Council, is targeted at Ukrainians on the Homes for Ukraine visa scheme whose hosts live in the district.
Up to £500 is available to be put towards a specific need that helps Ukrainian individuals with living independently and becoming more of a part of their local communities – whether that’s removing language barriers, improving employability, or providing digital connectivity.
Activities that can be supported through the fund include taking employment qualifications or language courses, purchasing a phone or laptop, or participation in community activities.
More information about the criteria and application process can be found on HFU Independence and Integration Support Fund policies and criteria in English and Ukrainian.
English (pdf, 167kb)
Ukrainian (pdf, 274kb)
Grant Timeline (pdf, 84kb)
To apply please follow this link to an online form:
Login - Council Grants (
You can contact us via with questions or queries about the Fund.
Eligibility Criteria
In order to be eligible for consideration, applicants must comply with all the following criteria:
1. Individuals applying for funding must be a Ukrainian on the Homes for Ukraine Scheme (whose host lived in the Winchester district upon the guest’s arrival into to the UK) and/or living in the district for at least 6 months.
2. The purpose of the funding must be able to support at least one of our funding themes.
3. This grant is means tested and won’t be granted should the applicant have savings over £6,000.
4. Item(s)/services cannot be applied for or funded retrospectively (applicants must wait for a formal decision and offer of their award before making a purchase).
Applicants should always try to satisfy their need via existing support and provide detailed reasons as to why the funding is required.
Funding Themes
Individuals applying for funds to support their independence and adjusting to life in the UK should explain how this support contributes towards the following funding themes:
- Employment
- Removing the language barriers
- Access to transport
- Access to community activities
- Supporting children and young people to adjust to life in the UK
Application Process
To apply please follow this link to an online form:
You will need to create an account to login to the system. You will then be able to start an application. Please make sure you complete all sections of the application form and upload all the documents requested. Further evidence may be requested to support the application if necessary.
Applications will be approved or declined within 15 working days from the date of submitting the application. The council’s decisions with regards to funding are discretionary and therefore there is no appeals process.
If your application is successful, you will receive an offer letter with further instructions on how we will proceed with payment. Please note we can’t fund retrospectively so avoid purchasing item(s)/services before receiving an offer letter.
If you require any help with completing the form or would like to discuss your application, please contact the Community Liaison Officer for Ukraine: Julia Karabut,, Tel: 01962 848061.
Employment Support
We are offering employment support to our Ukrainian guests to improve employment opportunities. This includes:
- Face to face appointments
- Online appointments
- Wellbeing
- Personal Development
- Information and tips for writing a CV
- How to search for jobs in the UK
- Preparing for an interview
- Qualification comparability
- Business Start up assistance
Ukraine Employment Support Card (pdf, 4.1mb)
Wellbeing Support
Peer to peer support for adults
Winchester City Council is dedicated to support Ukrainian families' emotional wellbeing.
For adults there is a peer to peer wellbeing support group run by Ukrainian facilitators.Next block of sessions is starting on 21 September at 2pm and will continue every Saturday from 2pm till 4pm at The Olive Branch Counselling Service, 14 St Clement Street, Winchester, SO23 9HH. To book please use this Form
Emotional wellbeing support group (Ukraine) (pdf, 1.6mb).
Wellbeing support for Ukrainian teenagers and young people
Winchester Youth Counselling (contracted by WCC) is starting wellbeing support group for Ukrainian teenagers and young people (age 11-24).
The first session is on 19 September starting at 4pm at Bella Crafts (2nd floor), Kings Walk, Winchester, SO23 8AF.
This is a fund interactive supportive space based on Pizza and Games night format.
No booking is required, sessions are run weekly, term time only.
Wellbeing drop-in for Ukrainian young people and teenagers (pdf, 537kb)
Housing Support
If you have any questions about housing, or are at risk of homelessness, please contact our Resettlement Team via email at The Resettlement Team can advise you on the following:
- Homelessness
- Registering for Social Housing
- Private Rented Accommodation
- Housing related grants
- Assistance with setting up bills/benefits applications
Move on Information (English) (pdf, 195kb)
Move on Information (Ukrainian) (pdf, 280kb)
Hampshire Home Choice Scheme Guide
This scheme guide will provide you with a brief overview of Hampshire Home Choice and the bidding process.
HHC Scheme Guide (English) (pdf, 396kb)
HHC Scheme Guide (Ukrainian) (pdf, 999kb)
More detailed guidance can be found on the Hampshire Home Choice website on the Hampshire Home Choice Allocations Framework. Please contact a member of the housing support team if you have any questions.
Help Without Hosting
You can support SWVG and other local organisations like Disaster Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukrainian appeal, TwoSaints, the Rural Refugee Network, Southampton Standuptoracism, Clear Southampton and Southampton or Portsmouth City of Sanctuary.
Voices of Children – a Ukrainian charity helps children recover from the impact of war.
Sunflower of Peace – a US based non-profit providing medical aid in Ukraine
United Help Ukraine – provides medical supplies and humanitarian aid.
British-Ukrainian Aid – they provide assistance to vulnerable and disadvantaged people.
UNHCR – has launched an emergency appeal for Ukrainian guests.
UNICEF Ukraine – is providing an emergency response to children affected by the conflict.
Additional charities you can donate to can be found here.
The Ukrainian Institute of London has more suggestions on where to donate, how to demonstrate support. You can also find information from local Ukrainian news outlets and journalists.
If you would like to help in person, the following organisations are calling for volunteers:
Winchester Ukrainian Cultural Association (WUCA)
Founded in September 2023, The Winchester Ukrainian Cultural Association is a non-profit community group formed with support from Winchester City Council and Community First.
The association aims to provide support and give a voice to Ukrainians living in the district and will host regular events in conjunction with the Ukrainian community.
Facebook: wuca.official
Support for guests
City of Sanctuary resources
Winchester City of Sanctuary First Aid partnership info available here.
Hosting guidance resources available here.
Matching services for hosts available here.
Resources for supporting Ukrainian guests available here.
Access to healthcare for guests locally available here.
Systemic support for people displaced by war and oppression here. (pdf, 177kb)
Guidance for prospective hosts here. (pdf, 281kb)
Find most up-to-date local English language classes here.
Meeting spaces for guests here. (Please note this Meeting Space is not provided by Winchester City Council and therefore not subject to our safeguarding guidance).
- Hampshire Wellbeing Services
How do I contact Hampshire County Council to let them know our household details for inspection visits?
We’re collecting information on behalf of the county council and you can help speed up the process here. Simply send an email to and include the household details as follows:
- Names of all household occupants – including Ukrainian guests and UK residents
- Dates of birth for all household occupants
- Telephone contact numbers for all household occupants
- An email address to contact your household
Your data will be safeguarded in line with GDPR regulations.
Are the property inspection and visa application processes linked?
No – the two processes are entirely separate and delays are not caused by the progress of either process. The visa process us undertaken by the Home Office – this means your local council is unable to speed up the process.
I still have not had my inspection yet – should I be worried?
No, there are a huge number of visits to already underway and more are being scheduled daily. You will be called as soon as the team are able to arrange to carry out the inspection of your home.
How does the DBS check work – locally or nationally?
The DBS process is initiated locally with the home visit from HCC but it then becomes a nationally administered process once the county council officers have initiated it.
I am housing a Ukrainian family, when will they recieve the emergency fund payment to help?
The Ukrainian family will be issued with a £200 pre-loaded payment card at the home visit by the Family Support Service ( HCC). The Ukrainian family has to be present at the visit. HCC will then top the card up to equate to £200 per head, this is done remotely and can a few days after the initial £200 is loaded onto the card.
Contact for more information.
HCC full set of FAQs
You can find a set of local FAQs for Hampshire here.