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Car Park Updates

Barfield P&R

Barfield P&R (surface car park only) will be closed on 20th June to accommodate approx. 100 minibuses attending a schools sporting event in Winchester. All other Park & Rides will be available.

EV Chargepoint Upgrades

Several of the council’s EV chargepoints are being upgraded from ‘fast’ to ‘rapid’ units over the next few weeks (1st-14th May). We apologise for any inconvenience caused. A full list of locations can be found here:

Perins Car Park

Perins School car park in Alresford will be closed for a school build project starting 1st July for a number of weeks. Alternative parking can be found at other locations within the town.

Tower Street

Starting 26th September 2022 several on-street bays will be suspended. Provisional parking in Tower Street MSCP has been provided for residents while the on-street bays are suspended.




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