CIL Charging in Winchester
Introduction to CIL
We adopted its Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) on the 8th January 2014 and it was brought into effect on the 7 April 2014. The levy will apply across the area of Winchester District that lies outside the South Downs National Park.
The CIL Regulations 2010 (as amended) enable authorities to raise finance for infrastructure by imposing a charge on development within their area. Funds collected through CIL will be spent by each council on the infrastructure needed to support the development of their area. Each authority can decide its priorities for expenditure, and the required infrastructure can fall within a broad definition from transport and schools to cultural and sports facilities.
The WCC CIL charge is levied on different land uses (for example, residential, retail, hotels and so on) and on different zones (Winchester Town, Market Towns & Rural Areas and Strategic Allocations & South Hampshire Urban Areas). The levy will be charged per square metre of new development (a new building or an extension) over 100 square metres of gross internal floorspace, or if it involves the creation of additional dwellings.
Under the CIL regulations, limitations have been placed on the ability of councils to use S106 monies to provide for infrastructure beyond the mitigation of specific developments after a CIL Charging Schedule is adopted or after April 2015 (whichever is sooner). The Council has produced a CIL Regulation 123 list which sets out the infrastructure which will not be funded through S.106 contributions. This can be found here:- CIL Regulation 123 List. Further information is provided in the WCC CIL Guide for Developers and Land Owners which you can download using the links below.
The Winchester City Council CIL Charging Schedule applies only to the area of Winchester District that lies outside the South Downs National Park. The City Council has worked closely with the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) - which is the CIL charging authority for that part of Winchester within the National Park - local communities, and other partners (including Hampshire County Council) to establish infrastructure requirements. The SDNPA intends to introduce its own CIL regime in due course, currently programmed for 2015.
- CIL Charging Schedule and Maps (to use the interactive mapping service, click on the following link: LocalView Maps)
- Guide for Developers and Land Owners April 2014
- CIL Instalments Policy
- Report to Cabinet on the Adoption of CIL: CAB2529(LDF)
Enquiries regarding CIL
For any enquires regarding CIL please e-mail us at: