High Hedges
Under the Antisocial Behaviour Act 2003, the Enforcement Team have the powers to act as a last resort against nuisance high hedges since 1 June 2005.
Before lodging a complaint to the Council, it is important that complainants read the details set out in the Over the Garden Hedge leaflet and High Hedges: Complaining to the Council, available on the side of this page. This sets out that the High Hedge legislation: a brief summary is listed below.
- They only apply to hedges and complaints cannot be accepted for tall trees.
- They only apply to evergreen or semi-evergreen hedges more than two metres high.
- The height has an adverse effect on the reasonable enjoyment of your domestic property.
- We can only deal with a complaint as a last resort and it is evident you have taken the necessary steps to settle the dispute yourself as outlined in the Over The Garden Hedge leaflet, available at the side of this page.
The fee for a formal investigation into a High Hedge is £575.00. This is reduced to £100 if you are receiving certain benefits. This will be non-refundable even if your complaint is upheld and we will also retain an administration fee of half the value if we find the application does not fully follow the above stages.
Further information can be found regarding the legislation on the Planning Portal website .