New housing, commercial, business and community
The information on this page is intended for developers and agents who wish to provide new housing, or those looking to improve their business or have any commercial or community interests.
We will provide a paid for service to help shape and develop your ideas.
Application Type Fee Fee (Inc. VAT) Minor 1
New Dwellings 1£283.33 £340 Minor 1 including Listed Building
New Dwellings 1£408.33 £490 Minor 2
New Dwellings 2-9£945.83 £1135 Minor 2 including Listed Building
New Dwellings 2-9£1070.83 £1285 Minor 3
Non Householder, non major, non residential£579.17 £695 Minor 3 including Listed Building
Non Householder, non major, non residential£704.17 £845 Major
(As defined in the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (as amended))
10+ dwellings / over half a hectare
General industrial - 1000+ m² / 1+ hectare
Office / light industrial - 1000+ m² / 1+ hectare
Retail - 1000+ m²/ 1+ hectare
Gypsy/traveller site - 10+ pitches
30% of Planning Fee
30% of planning fee + VAT
Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) Discuss as part of pre Application Process Advert Enquiries £125.00 £150 Advert Enquiries including Listed Building £250.00 £300 Change of Use (no external alterations) £283.33 £340 Change of Use (no external alterations) including Listed Building £408.33 £490 Exemptions
Application relating to Disability Adaptations
For Listed Building Enquiries only – Accidental damage/urgent works/structural failure requiring immediate attention (where not due to neglect).
Free Free -
Historic Building Advice
This service is for anyone looking for general advice about a historic building (whether listed, unlisted and/or in a conservation area). We can offer specialist advice about:
- whether a proposal will need listed building consent,
- the likelihood of receiving listed building consent for any alteration or extensions. (we have another service for joint Planning permission and listed building consent)
- repairs and maintenance to historic buildings,
- energy efficiency improvements, and
- review of heritage statements.
This service offers design and heritage advice only from a historic environment officer. It does not address any other planning issues.
This can include a site visit, and a written response, by email or letter.
To submit your query, please follow this link
Submission advice
It is best to get in contact with us right at the start before you have invested in drawings so we can help identify key constraints that your proposal will need to tackle early on. We can point you in the right direction for this and then work with you on your scheme as it develops.
Therefore, there is very little required as a set minimum for information for the paid service, but we do need an address. You might tell us the level of advice that you would like and we will advise on the level and type of information that you would then need to provide, to enable us to do this. When you are ready to submit drawings to us for comment, the more information that we have, the more detailed our advice can be.
However Contextual Analysis to inform future development is really important which is why we are making this a submission requirement for all new housing applications and Major schemes.
As a general guide, for more detailed advice we will usually need to see a location plan, a site plan (showing the proposal outline and the positions of neighbouring properties), elevations, floorplans and sections for sloping sites. We might need other supporting documents to cover relevant material considerations such as ecology, transport, heritage, landscape, daylight / sunlight analysis. Other information to help explain the scheme may include photographs, draft design and access statement, street scenes, relevant site history etc.
If you do not have any information we can provide generic advice which is also available on the links below:
Getting started
Phone - 01962 848 177
It is best to get in contact with us right at the start of your project, we will be happy to hear your ideas and advise on the next steps which might include the paid for service which you can register with us over the phone.
You can also submit:
- Online
You can submit your request and payment online here
Where your fee is Exempt or you wish to pay by a different method you can submit your request online here
- Reception
We have facilities in our reception where you can submit your request and payment.
See below for a Major development.
You will receive an automated acknowledgement which lists some contact phone numbers and timeframes which will help you access other enquiry services across the wider council. However for this Planning Enquiry service please refer to the advice given on this page about response timeframes and contact phone numbers. After you submit your enquiry we will acknowledge it with your reference number and then a Planning Officer will contact you.
We aim to advise of the merits of a scheme delivering more certainty by indicating likely or possible outcomes for it. The new service will allow us to understand what your priorities are and how you wish to receive our advice, to work collaboratively with you to shape your proposals and to clearly establish the options available to you with reference to the Development Plan framework.
We will agree a deliverable timeframe with you to provide the advice requested only extending it where more time is needed for valid reasons.
Please note that the Local Planning Authority cannot control response times from third party consultees but we will keep you informed about this.
For major developments
Please refer to the price schedule for a definition of a Major development type above. For these more complex developments we encourage you to contact us. This may take place any time in advance of, or as part of, registering a pre application enquiry with us on the links above. Alternatively you can where you wish to agree the fee payment with an officer you can submit online here.
We can also advise on your community engagement strategy and the most efficient way to submit your planning application electronically for ease of referencing and within IT size limits.
Planning Performance Agreement
The main purpose of a Planning Performance Agreement (PPA) is to provide a framework, agreed between the LPA and the (potential) applicant, about the process for considering a major development proposal. We may charge an extra fee if you wish to submit a draft Planning Performance Agreement for your planning application which we will calculate at that time during your pre application.
We will agree expectations, values and timescales with you, to help project manage your application from beginning to end. You’ll receive expertise for complex proposals that require more dialogue, support and high-quality delivery. The agreement can start from the pre-application and can continue into the post-application stage if necessary, and are regularly reviewed to ensure compliance and to identify necessary alterations.
Contextual analysis
Contextual analysis to inform future development is really important which is why we are making this a submission requirement for all new housing applications and Major schemes.
The Government outline in the National Planning Policy Guidance that well-designed places can be achieved by taking a proactive and collaborative approach at all stages of the planning processGood urban design allows for the successful incorporation of new buildings into the built environment, which demonstrates Winchester’s commitment to progress and dynamism, but in a manner which is sympathetic to the high quality environment which pervades the district.
At the heart of the Council's approach to achieving high quality urban design is the need for proposals to be suitably informed by and respond positively to the context. The new National Design Guide 2019 state that well-designed places and buildings come about when there is a clearly expressed ‘story’ for the design concept and how it has evolved into a design proposal.
An assessment of the constraints and opportunities of the site and how its surroundings have informed the principles of your design needs to be set out in your enquiry to us.
A proper understanding of the context will facilitate an original, creative solution. Simply copying surrounding buildings or relying on standard templates does not constitute good design.
Establishing appropriate parameters for your development from your contextual analysis is key to ensuring a successful proposal, informing our assessment and giving more certainty about the success of your planning application.
Design Review
Design Review is an independent and impartial evaluation process in which a panel of experts on the built and landscape environment assess the design of a proposal. We will recommend this if we think this will be valuable for the development of your proposal. You can find our Urban Design pages here.
We will consult with other departments of the Council where agreed as necessary but our external partners do also offer their own pre application service which you can engage with concurrently.
Pre-Application Partner Advice
We encourage you to seek advice outside of WCC for specialist planning issues. The following organisations offer their own chargeable pre application service which you can access following the links below:
Environment Agency Specialist advice on flood risk and drainage Hampshire Biodiversity Information Centre Interpreted and enhanced biodiversity information data search Hampshire County Council Highways Welcomes engagement with developers at the earliest possible stage. Early engagement creates alignment with the planning process and allows a holistic view of planning and transport requirements, and can provide assurance for developers ahead of entering into formal mechanisms for the adoption of estate roads. Hampshire County Council - Pre-application service - We strongly encourage Developers to engage with Hampshire County Council’s pre-application service, details of which can be found at [note: this service is in development and will be launched in 2019]
- Historic Environment record searches
- Lead Local Flood Authority – advice in relation to surface water drainage
- Public rights of way searches
Health and Safety Executive Advice for developing a site which lies near to a major hazard site or a major accident hazard pipeline Historic England Advice for prospective applicants for planning permission affecting designated heritage assets; initial advice is free, extended advice is chargeable Natural England Advice in relation to environmental statements and survey assesments and results Portsmouth Water Company Initial enquiries (water supply) Southern Water Water and sewerage connections