Bushfield Camp
Bushfield Camp is owned by the Church Commissioners for England (the ‘Commissioners’).
The Commissioners exist to support the work and the mission of the Church of England. They achieve this in a variety of ways – from paying the pensions of many of its clergy, contributing to the funding of dioceses and parishes, supporting the ministry of our archbishops and bishops and contributing substantially to the work of cathedrals.
Further details of the Commissioners can be found here - https://churchofengland.org/about-us/structure/churchcommissioners.aspx
Location and Policy Context
Bushfield Camp lies on the southern edge of Winchester. The site comprises approximately 43 hectares, of which approximately 20 hectares was previously occupied by the military camp. It is allocated within the Winchester City Council Local Plan under policy WT3 as an employment site.
Policy WT3 limits the total development area to just 20 hectares of land, prioritising the use of the previously occupied area. There is also a policy requirement to secure and layout for public use the undeveloped part of the Site for recreational purposes in perpetuity, while allowing for strategic landscaping.
Further details of the planning policy context can be found in the Winchester Joint Core Strategy
An illustrative location plan can be downloaded from the "Attachments" section below.
Work to Date
No plans are currently in place for the site’s development.
Recognising the importance of a considered approach to the site’s redevelopment, the Commissioners began engagement in summer 2016 with key stakeholders such as Winchester City Council, Hampshire County Council and Enterprise M3 Local Enterprise Partnership. The purpose of this was to build a shared understanding of the physical, social, political and economic context of the site, and how it can make the greatest contribution to the economic and social well-being of Winchester.
Baseline studies were undertaken during summer 2016 to assess the site’s key characteristics, with regards to landscape, heritage, ecology and transport.
Initial findings were presented and discussed at an Employment and Economy Workshop in October 2016, an Amenity Group Workshop in November 2016 and a public consultation event held in December 2016.
The Commissioners will review the output of work undertaken and feedback received in 2016, and provide an update on next steps in spring 2017. The process of engagement will continue to ensure any proposals respond to the local context.
For further details please contact ukfaccebushfield@deloitte.co.uk