North Whiteley Planning application submitted March 2015
An outline planning application has been submitted for the development of land to the North of Whiteley for up to 3,500 dwellings. The application includes details of the strategic roads through the site including connections from Whiteley Way to Botley Road. The application also includes other infrastructure provision such as a secondary school; 2 primary schools; commercial uses; 2 local centres; an extra care facility; affordable housing; a range of public open space provision including sports pitches, allotments and large areas of open space.
The application is supported with a master plan that provides a blueprint for the future development of the site at the strategic level. The application is supported with a Design Code (a “book” of design standards to guide the detail of the scheme throughout its construction). The application is also supported by an Environmental Impact Assessment examining the proposals against a series of key environmental criteria.
The application is currently subject to full consultation and it is intended that the application will be reported to the Planning Development Management Committee for June/July 2015.
Latest information on the planning application can be accessed here: Development Control Case 15/00485/OUT.
Please note that there are many documents associated with this application and for ease of reference a simplified link to the core documents can be found below:
Design and Access Statement Part 1
Design and Access Statement Part 2
Design and Access Statement Part 3
Design and Access Statement Part 4
Design and Access Statement Part 5