Property Developers FAQ
I am developing a single property/small development - how do I obtain a new postal address for the properties?
The street naming and numbering service is now chargeable. A scale of charges (download below) is based upon the number of plots on the development.
The street naming and numbering process cannot commence until payment is made.
Developers of a new property, single or small development, should contact the address management team at the address below to obtain a file reference number as soon as work on site commences.
You can then make payment in various ways; details can be found on the scale of charges.
We need the following information to process the request to create new addresses:
For a single unit of accommodation.
A copy of the approved site layout plan which should clearly indicate:
- plot numbers (if applicable)
- individual property boundaries
- the principle entrances to the properties
- suggested road and/or property names not duplicated in the area.
For larger developments
A copy of the approved site layout plans which should clearly indicate:
- plot numbers
- individual property boundaries
- the principle entrances to the properties
- suggested road and/or property names not duplicated in the area
- for multi-level developments separate floors plans, indicating each individual plot, will also be required
Address Management Winchester City Council
City Offices
Colebrook Street
SO23 9LJTel: 01962 848300
Fax: 01962 841365
Email: further information about the process of street naming and numbering can be found in the Street, Naming and Numbering Policy, Procedure and Legislation document